According to Freud the child's development happens in 5 stages and each stage is related to the specific erogenous zone.
Stages occur in this order.
1.Oral stage. This stage occurs in the time period spanning from birth to 1 year of age and is characterized by the mouth as a erogenous zone. The libidinal gratification in this stage comes from the breastfeeding and the exploration of the environment.
2.A.nal stage occurs in child whose age is between 1 to 3 years old and the erogenous zone is the bladder and bowel elimination. Ego continues to develop during this stage of child's development.
3. Phallic stage occurs in the children who are between 3 and 6 years old and the genitalia become the erogenous zone. This is the stage where children acquire the awareness of their bodies.
4.Latency stage lasts from six years old to puberty where the habits the child acquired thus far are consolidated.
5.Genital stage occurs after puberty and lasts till death according to Freud and this stage is characterized by genital erogenous zone and in this period occurs the maturation of sexual interests.