It was a very rough time for them. There were rats, mud, low food rations, and the war going around them at all times. They usually didn't have much fun to do, and when there was free time they would write letters to their family, if they would even be able to be sent out. The soldiers feet would get dirty, and even infected due to the constant muddy and often wet due to rain ground.
They lived there day and night, can you imagine that? Living in narrow little trenches made of dirt with bullets flying over your head? It was awful, the time they spent in the trenches was hard time. They got little sleep, if they slept at all, with all the noise going around them. There was no toilets, so they use latrines, a hole in the ground covered with dirt. There was dead bodies buried around them. It was very smelly, and hard to live a sustainable life, but they survived. I hope this answer helped.