
Dialogues of French

I am very fortunate to be trilingual. Who doesn’t dream of speaking many languages? Most people think it’s impossible, hard, or too late, but those people are unaware that they can speak a different language in their own mother tongues. As of today, French is the only official language of France, but it doesn’t mean that it is the only language spoken there. The other dialects in France are often referred to as “patois” (pat- wa) or dialects. There are eleven types of “patois” spoken in France today. They all come from different regions in France. However, in my daily life, I don’t use any of the “patois” spoken in France, but there are three different types of French I speak every day.
The first type of French I use, is with my friends. It is like slang, only in French. For example, when you speak to your parents, do you speak the same way you do to your friends? Absolutely not. It’s the same in my culture. In French, I greet my friends by saying “wesh frere ca va” meaning “Hey dude” or “what’s up.” I speak this way with my friends because it is more friendly and comfortable rather than the formal way of speaking to a stranger. This generation has developed new vocabulary and ways of speaking to their friends. For example, when I text my friends, I use different abbreviations which everyone understands nowadays.
The second type of French used, is with my parents. The French I use with my parents is more respectful, because they are older and they deserve my respect and gratitude. This doesn’t mean that I don’t respect my friends, but my parents earn more respect because they work hard, so that I get a good education, and the least I can do to repay them is to respect them. I cannot allow myself to curse at them or disrespect them in any way. Another way I speak to my parents is in Arabic, because my parents are from Morocco. They taught me Arabic while I was growing up and I grew up knowing it. I can speak half Arabic and half French and they understand me.
The Third type of French is the formal type. This is the French I learned in school, and the French I use when I want to be formal. As you may know, I can be extravagant when speaking in French, but, when it comes to school and business I speak regally. For example, in France I cannot say “Tu” (meaning you in French) to an elder, or a stranger rather this is a term I use to speak to my close friends and family, and “Vous” (meaning they) is used when it comes to teachers, bosses, clerks etc. It may seem weird to address somebody by using they instead of you but in French, this is normal. So, when addressing an elder or a stranger I would use the term “Vous” instead of “Tu.” I have an anecdote, Back in High School in France, a student in my class addressed the teacher by using “Tu” instead of “Vous” because, the teachers can address the students by using “Tu” but my classmates must use “Vous,” therefore he became upset and didn’t think the teacher deserved his respect if she didn’t address him the same way he addressed her. So, she became so mad that she asked him to leave the class. Therefore, it is important to know the difference between “Tu” and “Vous” in the French culture.
In conclusion, people don’t need to speak other languages to be trilingual, but they can be trilingual in their own mother tongue. The ways you speak to your parents, elders, teachers etc., is different from the way you speak to your friends, so, therefore, you can speak in many ways without having to speak another language. Cool right. I should know, because I loved seeing how much difference there was in the way I speak to others.