A tank containing liquid butane and one containing liquid propane are sitting adjacent to one another. each tank is equipped with a regulator with a pressure gauge. classify these statements as true or false.

Respuesta :

The pressure reading for the butane tank is higher than that for the propane tank is False. 
The pressure readings will change when more liquid is added to the tanks is False. 
If the tanks are placed outside and the sun warms each tank to 46 , the pressure readings will be higher than they were initially is True 
If an equal number of moles of gas is allowed to escape rapidly from each tank, the temperature of the butane tank will be lower than that of the propane tank is True.

Changes in pressure on the butane and propane, if it is at a fixed temperature, is wrong.

There is a change in pressure on the butane and propane if it is at a certain temperature which can make the mass of butane heavier than propane is true.

Further Explanation

The state of equilibrium in a system is stable if there is no influence from outside the system. If an effect (action) is given to equilibrium, the system will move towards a new equilibrium. At this new equilibrium, the composition of substances involved in equilibrium changes from the original composition.

The following factors can cause a shift in equilibrium, namely:

  1. Concentration, if the concentration of the reactants is added, the equilibrium will shift towards the formation of the product
  2. Pressure, when the pressure is increased, the volume will decrease, so the equilibrium will shift to a small number of moles.
  3. Volume, when the volume is enlarged, the pressure will decrease, so the equilibrium will shift to a large number of moles.
  4. Temperature / Temperature, if the temperature is raised, the reaction will shift towards the endothermic reaction (a reaction that absorbs heat).

Butane, also called n-butane, is a straight-chain alkane with four CH3CH2CH2CH3 carbon atoms. Butane is also used as a collective term for n-butane and its only isomer, isobutane (also called methylpropane), CH (CH3) 3. Butane is very flammable, colorless, and is a liquefied gas. The name butane is derived from the name butyric acid.

Propane is a three-carbon alkane compound with the chemical formula C3H8 in the form of gas under normal conditions but can be compressed into a liquid that is easily moved in inexpensive containers. This compound is derived from other petroleum products in the processing of petroleum or natural gas. Propane is generally used as fuel for machines, barbecues, and at home. Propane is sold as fuel, propane is also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which can be a mixture with a small amount of propane, butane, and butene. Sometimes ethanethiol is also added as an odorizing agent so that it can be used as a detection if a leak occurs. In North America, the main composition of LPG is propane (at least 90%), with the addition of butane and propane. This is the HD5 standard, which was originally made primarily for vehicle fuel.

Learn more

definition of The state of equilibrium https://brainly.com/question/8440752

definition of Butane and Propane https://brainly.com/question/8440752


Grade: College

Subject: Physics

keywords: The state of equilibrium