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Freud believed that human behavior was motivated by unconscious conflicts that were almost always sexual or aggressive in nature.
According to Freud's theory, from childhood itself our behavior is unconsciously perpetuated by sexual attraction towards our of parent of the sex opposite to ours. This is known as the Oedipus Complex (in male children) and the Electra complex (in female children). These complexes are also characterized by unconscious conflicts that are aggressive in nature with parents of the same sex as ours.
According to Freud's theory, from childhood itself our behavior is unconsciously perpetuated by sexual attraction towards our of parent of the sex opposite to ours. This is known as the Oedipus Complex (in male children) and the Electra complex (in female children). These complexes are also characterized by unconscious conflicts that are aggressive in nature with parents of the same sex as ours.
Freud believed that human behavior was motivated by unconscious conflicts that were almost always aggressive or sexual in nature. Humans like most animals are aggressive and sexual especially males. Males are more aggressive do to the way their brain function. Like animals in the wild, males use this aggression and sexual nature to seek other mates and fend off competition. As society has progressed these traits have been suppressed, but they can never truly go away.