Sandy has 16 roses, 8 daisies, and 32 tulips. She wants to arrange all the flowers in bouquets. Each bouquet has the same number of flowers and the same type of flower. What is the greatest number of flowers that could be in a bouquet?

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Total trick question!! This can be answered multiple ways. First, one would think 7 because 16 roses, 8 daisies, and 32 tulips equal 56 total flowers and if divided equally into bouquets you would have 8 bouquets each with 2 roses, 1 daisy, and 4 tulips. That gives you the same type of flower in each bouquet along with the same amount of flowers in each bouquet. However, you can also have 8 of each type of flower in a bouquet. For example, 2 bouquets with 8 roses each, 1 bouquet with 8 daisies, and 4 bouquets with 8 tulips each.

Answer: For E2020 is B

P(tulip)= 37/86