Jenny has been addicted to cigarettes since last summer. She is triggered by a bad morning and starts craving Cigarettes and thinking that if she uses them, anxiety will go away. She can’t stop thinking about how good she will feel when she gets the cigarettes, and she pulls them out of her purse at lunch as part of her ritual, without even thinking about it. She uses by smoking a cigarette, but when the feeling wears off, she feels guilty, like she is a failure or giving into the addiction again. The next day, she decides to call a friend to talk about her anxiety when she starts thinking about the cigarettes. She then chooses not to use them. This breaks the cycle.

Describe how Jenny exhibited each step of the addiction cycle, including how she broke the addiction cycle.

Respuesta :

she knows what her problem is and she uses tobacco to cope,but she knows it is wrong and wants to stop. The guilt and shame brings her to talk to her friend and get help instead of turning to her addiction.
Well. Knowing a couple smokers turned non smokers in my day I may be able to help you with this. She demonstrated the addiction cycle by thinking that they would help her feel better. But she did better obviously when she quit thinking about it and went on with her regular daily life. I hope this helped answer your question