Respuesta :

Answer: Population is growing and may become problematic


Population growth led to strains on the environment and questions as to whether the planet could support such large numbers.

An issue that the world facing in regards to the human population is population is growing and may become problematic. Human overpopulation is when there are too many people to live in an environment.



The basic necessities of life needed are food, drinking water, and land to live. In a more scientific explanation, human overpopulation is when the human population in a geographical area exceeds the carrying capacity of that place, thus causing more rapid environmental damage and potentially damaging ecological and social chains.

The overpopulation is mainly due to an increase in high birth rates, decreased mortality, high immigration, or unsustainable biomes and depletion of resources. There is an area that is very sparsely populated and less likely for overpopulation. It is an area that has little ability to provide living resources (for example desert areas).

Activists who campaign for the ideal public population often raise issues such as the earth, global warming, poor quality of life, risk of hunger and even humans will experience extinction because they are unable to meet their own basic needs. A definition of overpopulation was also conveyed by Paul Ehrlich. He means that overpopulation is a situation where the population is in the process of over-exploiting non-renewable resources. Based on this definition, the human overpopulation is not merely caused by high growth rates and low mortality rates but lifestyles that are dependent on non-renewable resources and do not think about other resources.


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

• Why is there a natural limit to human population growth?

KEYWORD: birth rates, decreased mortality, global warming, overpopulation, the cause of overpopulation  

Subject: History

Class: college

Subchapter: Human Over Population