Mary notices that when she discusses her issues in therapy, her therapist often says, "okay, now let me make sure i understand. what it sounds like you are saying is that..." mary doesn't mind at all because it makes her feel like the therapist is paying attention, actually cares, and even gives her the opportunity to correct the therapist if what he says is not what she meant. mary's therapist is using the technique of

Respuesta :

Reflection: it's a part of Roger's Client-Centered therapy

Answer: Mary's therapist is using the technique of ACTIVE LISTENING.

Active listening can be defined as a method employed in training, counseling, therapy, that requires the listener fully listening by observing and understanding the body language of the speaker, the behaviour of the speaker, contribute and then remember what is being said. The listener might not necessarily agree with what the speaker is saying but just to listen and give counsel.