Explain how abstraction allows for the creation of increasingly complex systems. reference top-down design strategy in your response.

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A general understanding that abstraction allows programmers to hide details By hiding details, programmers are able to work with complex systems in small pieces without having to pay attention to every detail at once An explanation of how top down design implements abstraction 
Through the use of abstraction, a programmer is able to take one large idea, and break it down into smaller pieces. In the context of top-down design, this means that the programmer can create one function that is made up of a set of smaller sub functions. After determining the details of those sub functions, the programmer no longer needs to take into account how they work, knowing that they will work in when called. For example when drawing a snowflake, the programmer may use top down design to split it into separate branches. Each of those branches may have sub functions that determine the detail to be repeated. This allows programmers to develop complex systems while managing complexity at multiple levels of abstraction. 
Which of the following is FALSE about event-driven programs?  
 A. Event-driven programs do not implement algorithms.
 B. Some portions of an event-driven program may never execute while the program is running.
 C. An event-driven program is written to respond to specified events by executing a block of code or function associated with the event.
 D. The order in which an event-driven program will run cannot always be known ahead of time. E. Event-driven programs can be run multiple times with different outcomes, based on user interactions.