What thou seest when thou dost wake, Do it for thy true-love take, Love and languish for his sake: Be it ounce, or cat, or bear, Pard, or boar with bristled hair, In thy eye that shall appear When thou wakest, it is thy dear: Wake when some vile thing is near. What is Oberon doing in this speech? a. Casting a spell on Titania. c. Helping Hermia win Lysander. b. Stealing the changeling boy. d. Ruining the mechanicals’ play

Respuesta :

The correct option is A.
Oberon is casting a spell on Titania. Titania was sleeping, when Oberon approached her with a magical flower and put the flower juice in her eyelids and at the same time uttering those spells written above. He was magically commanding Titania to love dearly anything she first set her eyes on when she wake up, even if is a leopard or bear and that she should only wake up when something nasty is around.

Answer: yep, its A-  

Casting a spell on Titania.


Casting a spell on Titania.