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Sentences are build by clauses. These clauses may be independent clauses or dependent clauses.
Independent clauses are those that can stand on their own. Whereas, dependent clauses can not.
Dependent clauses are used to make independent clauses more interesting or complete. There must be an independent clause for a dependent clause to be present.
I need to identify independent clause to properly define the use of dependent clause.
An independent clause has three components: subject, an action or predicate, express complete thought. An independent clause can simply be a subject and a verb. Ex: She sleeps.
A dependent clause has a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. Its presence in a sentence is made known when it is preceded by a marker word or conjunction.
Marker words - before, after, because, since, in order to, although, though, whenever, wherever, whether, while, even though, even if
conjunction - and, or, nor, but, yet.
A dependent clause must be joined to an independent clause to avoid becoming a fragment.
Example: Because I lied. - fragment
Because I lied, My mom got angry. - Correct Sentence
My mom got angry - independent clause
Because I lied - dependent clause - complete thought was express when it was attached to the independent clause
Independent clauses are those that can stand on their own. Whereas, dependent clauses can not.
Dependent clauses are used to make independent clauses more interesting or complete. There must be an independent clause for a dependent clause to be present.
I need to identify independent clause to properly define the use of dependent clause.
An independent clause has three components: subject, an action or predicate, express complete thought. An independent clause can simply be a subject and a verb. Ex: She sleeps.
A dependent clause has a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. Its presence in a sentence is made known when it is preceded by a marker word or conjunction.
Marker words - before, after, because, since, in order to, although, though, whenever, wherever, whether, while, even though, even if
conjunction - and, or, nor, but, yet.
A dependent clause must be joined to an independent clause to avoid becoming a fragment.
Example: Because I lied. - fragment
Because I lied, My mom got angry. - Correct Sentence
My mom got angry - independent clause
Because I lied - dependent clause - complete thought was express when it was attached to the independent clause
A dependent clause is a clause that provides an independent clause with additional information, but which cannot stand alone as a sentence. Dependent clause either modifies the independent clause of a sentence or serve as a component of it .