What happens if a dominant trait is passed to the offspring of one parent and a recessive trait for the same trait is passed to the offspring from the other trait according to mendel's principle of dominance?

Respuesta :

So let's say the letter is D and d, of course lower case is the recessive and uppercase is the dominant trait.

The dominant trait is the stronger Gene who's trait will usually show in a hybrid phenotype.

The recessive trait is the weaker Gene who is trait is usually Hidden and a hybrids phenotype.

1 domaint and 1 recessive trait meaning it is,


According to to Mendel's Principle of Dominance,

Offspring that are hybrid for a trait will have only the dominant trait in the phenotype and then vice-versa.

In this situation, again we have a dominant and recessive trait meaning it is Dd meaning it is,

Heterozygous (hybrid)

I hope that helped you out!!

Any questions, feel free to ask me!!