22) in Spanish write a short sentence asking where the waste basket is located.

23) in Spanish write “there are some chairs by the computers”

24)write a short paragraph explaining some details about school practices and/or activities in schools in the Spanish speaking world. Write your answer in English.

25)write two short paragraphs describing famous people from the Spanish speaking world. Make sure to include their cultural or political significance in your discussion. Write your answer in English.

Respuesta :

Sorry but the first one was wrong from the user (beginner which is fine) who tried helping. Waste = Gastó but waist is another word and Waist = Cintura.

Explanation: 22. Dónde está el boté de basura?

23. Hay sillas por donde están las computadoras

24. Mi escuela tiene actividades después de escuela como jugar por el equipo de basketball y fútbol. (My school has after school activities like joining the basketball team or soccer team.) También tienen otro actividades como clases de arte y clases donde puedes estudiar. (They also have other activities like art class and study classes.)