Respuesta :

Booker T. Washington was an influential speaker, leader, and educator. He advocated a policy of Accommodation that stated:
- African Americans must adapt to Segregation
- Government couldn't legislate equality
- African Americans could eventually gain equality through education and hard      work
( He was criticized for his views by many people)

Du Bois was a Sociologist and an Activist. He was the founding member of the NAACP (National Association for Advocacy of Colored People). He was against Booker Washington's Accommodation approach and was unhappy with the slow progress towards equality. 

Du Bois Wrote " Souls of Black Folk" in 1903 in which he said:
- Accommodation would only reinforce segregation
- Segregation will end if African Americans took action.
- The "Talented Tenth" would be the leader of the movement 
- Classical Education was superior to teaching job skills
This kind of activism shaped the civil rights movement of 1950's and 1960's.

Hope this helps! Have a Great Day!