Precipitation clouds are observed at a distance of about 720 miles to the west of a city. The clouds are seen moving westwards at an average rate of 30 miles per hour. Which of these statements best predicts the weather in the city within 24 hours?

a. Rain is likely.
b. Rain is unlikely.
c. Snow is likely.
d. Snow is unlikely.

Respuesta :

This question may require more information for an accurate answer. If the clouds are observed west of the city and they are moving in a westerly direction it means that the clouds are moving away. Precipitation refers to rainfall, sleet, hail or snow. Since no reference was made to the temperature, season or location of the city it could be rain or snow clouds. The clouds are moving away from the city so the possible answers could be b. or d. Furthermore, by dividing the distance by the speed one would get an answer of twenty four hours. So even if the clouds were moving towards the city it would take a day to reach and precipitation would not be likely in 24 hrs.


A) Rain is likely.