What does gatsby tell nick about his past? is it true? 2. what does michaelis believe caused myrtle to run? 3. why did she run? 4. why does wilson believe that gatsby killed myrtle? 5. what does wilson do?

Respuesta :

1. Gatsby tells Nick his past possibly to befriend since Nick knows Daisy.
Partially of what he says is true He did go to Oxford but not the Prestigious one he says it is, the rest are lies.
2. He discovered she had another hidden life due to him finding the dog leash and maybe had a lover so thought she was running to go with her lover in the car that ran her over.
3. She runs to the car because she thinks its Tom in the car but instead it was Daisy and Gatsby since they switched cars back at the Hotel.
4. He thinks Gatsby ran her over because he thinks he was her lover.
5. He goes to Gatsbys place and shoots him + committing suicide himself.