Do you think that your country experiences amalgamation, assimilation, or pluralism? why? 3. describe a situation where a minority group resists repression by the dominant group. where did you see or hear about this situation? do you think that the action(s) was successful? 4. do you think that racism still exists in society? why or why not? 5. imagine if you had taken part in jane elliott's exercise. how do you think it would have felt to be part of the "inferior" group? should schools use exercises like this to teach children about discrimination?

Respuesta :

The country most commonly experiences assimilation. There is an American desire to have a similar identity and a societal hegemony. Assimilation creates this.
   When a white man called a black man the n-word, other people of color stepped in and shot down the white man for his obscence comment. They were successful in driving away the white man.
    Racism definitely still exists in the economy. If you are black you are far less likely to be employed than if you are white. Furthermore the educational disparities between white and black individual are incredibly sharp.
   Schools should use Elliott's exercise because it brings out innate behaviors and prejudices within children. By exposing how one group can develop a belief of superiority, Elliott conveys the dangers of out-group versus in-group behavior.