Respuesta :
Here we have a conversation among Charlie, Sophie and Adriana.
At the beginning of the conversation Charlie clearly expresses he loves to drink tea and eat facturas (name given in Argentina to a type of sweet sponge or biscuit filled with a kind of caramel made with sweet milk).
“Me encanta esta parte del día en que paramos a tomar el té y a comer facturas”
(I love this part of the day when we stop for tea and eat facturas)
Then, Adriana talks about taking a train (the train of the clouds), but Charlie expresses his unconformity saying he gets dizzy with the height:
“¡Me mareo de pensarlo! ¡Está tan alto!”
(I'm dizzy thinking about it! It’s so high!)
This means the right option to the question “¿Qué es lo que le gusta más a Charlie?” (What does Charlie like best?) is:
tomar el té y comer facturas (drink tea and eat facturas)
The whole conversation in English in order to understand the context is as follows:
Charlie.-I love this part of the day when we stop for tea and eat facturas.
Sophie.- Right, Charlie. The mate (a kind of tea in Argentina) is quite good and the facturas are huge better.
Adriana.- I'm glad you like it. Hurry up! We're going for a ride on the train of the clouds.
Charlie.- I'm dizzy thinking about it! It’s so high!
Sophie. -This is so exciting! From above I want to take some pictures and send them to my parents.
Adriana.- No problem, come on, the three of us, before the railway station is full. You see how many tourists are here in Salta!