Respuesta :

Your body is capable of digesting anything you eat. For example, this morning I had protein pancakes with blueberries and bananas. I know the first action my body reacts to is the increase levels of saliva given off by the food. When i'm finished chewing my food it then travels down my esophagus. The muscles in my throat contract pushing my food down into my stomach. This process is called peristalsis. As my food enters my stomach its drops into a pool of acid called, bile. Bile is also known as your stomach acid, the main substance that breaks down your food completely. Your food is spread throughout your body giving nutrients to all around. My liver will digested any of the nutrients and proteins and provide it for my blood. Then as my food makes its way down in my large intestines, its function is to absorb water from remaining indigestible food matter. Lastly the small intestine is where 90% of the digestion and absorption of food occurs, the other 10% is taking place in the stomach and large intestine.