Think about lifestyle choices that you make on a daily basis. Choose at least four lifestyle choices which you could change to improve your overall health. Explain how making those changes would improve your health. Read More >>

Respuesta :

A.The four lifestyle choices which I could change are:
1. The amount of physical exercise I engage in on a daily basis.
2, The number of hours I sleep.
3. The quantity of junk foods I consume daily and 
4. Cultivation of the habit of spending time alone daily.
B. My days are always very busy, so I do not engage at all in physical exercise. Adding at least a thirty minute of physical exercise to my daily tasks will improve my health considerable. Due to the nature of my day, I usually eat on the move, thus I eat junk foods everyday. Eating healthy and balanced diet will go a long way in improving my health. I sleep for three hours only everyday, from 2 am to 5 am.This is because I have to leave my house very early in the morning and I don't usually get to sleep until 2 am in the morning. Spending more hours sleeping will improve my overall health. I want to start spending at least 30 minutes alone on a daily basis in order to meditate and to reflect over the events of the day. This will be a great boost to my mental health.
Universidad de Mexico