
Regarding the origin of life:
-science has proven the starting mechanisms
-evolutionary theory still relies on speculation
-creation scientists have proven the Bible's account

Respuesta :

 - Science has not proven the "starting mechanisms," merely speculated on possible ones.
 - True. First The word “evolution” must be defined. It could referr to at any of 5 forms: Chemical evolution - a myth; Macroevolution - no fossil or empirical evidence; Microbial, Speciated, and Microevolution are fairly straightforward when properly qualified. It is speculation, not emperically established that evolution exists.
 - Not true. First, "Creation scientists" is not an oxymoron, despite the fact that there are no formally recognized scientists examining the origin of life from other than an naturalistic perspective. Second, The Bible, when properly interpreted, details the proper order of creation. Third, I do not believe anyone intimately involved in the subject would claim that all the knowledge of creation have been fully rectified with the text of the Bible, nonetheless, with the proper interpretation of scripture, there are no significant Biblical creation accounts that cannot be rectified with a plausible scientific theory, young earth Christian theories excluded, of course.

evolutionary theory still relies on speculation.