We have discussed how characters in the play live in their own "worlds." Each character has a perception of the way things are and particular ideas of how things should turn out. The conflict of the play is caused by these "worlds" failing to line up with each other (Capulet, for example, tries to impose his world on Juliet through threats and bullying. He wants the play to end as a comedy, with Juliet marrying Paris.). If this is the case, whose world "wins" in the end? Here are the finalists:

(Prince Escalus: He wanted to restore order and he got his way.
Juliet: She had suicidal desires throughout the play and she got her ending.
Friar Laurence: The families were reconciled, which is why he married Romeo and Juliet to begin with. No one: The loss for everyone was too great.)

Choose one or more finalists and defend your answer in complete sentences. You must also explain why non-winners lost.