Ohh so many things could be done!
Let me write out a skit!
(Child Character) CC
(Adult) A
(Owner of buisness) OB
(Mother) M
(Story Teller! Aka, opens the story) ST
ST: "The rise of child labor in the United States began in the late 1700s and early 1800s. When the Industrial Revolution started, many families had to find someone to work or they wouldn't survive... This is the story of (CC's name) and how they were able to survive the immediate jump into adulthood, never really letting him/herself being a child."
-ST backs away just as CC and M enter the "scene."
M: "(CC's name) can you go and fetch me that bucket over yonder?" -points to a trashcan, or any bucket looking thing in your classroom-
"Then can you go do what Mr. (OB's name) has you doin' today for your pay honey."
-CC nods and fetches M her bucket, and swiftly looks for OB-
CC: "Well-ahowdy there Mr. (OB's name)! Got any work for me today for ya' t'day?"
-This is just an example, and/or a layout on how you want the skit to play out. The adult character can be used as you please.
Make sure, that if you do use this, to add where the Child Character either gets hurt, or has to watch his mother go hungry because he messed up on the job that day.