Lines 100-125: state a theme of the story and cite textual evidence that supports your response, FROM THE SHORT STORY MY LIFE AS A BAT BY: MARGARET ATWOOD

Respuesta :

The Theme of My Life As A Bat is that bats are treated horribly by humans.

In lines 21-29 Atwood states "I have recurring nightmares. In one of them I am clinging to the ceiling of a summer cottage, while a red-faced man in white shorts and a white V-neck T-shirt jumps up and down hitting me with a tennis racket. 
These lines are a reference to how humans treat bats. The man is trying to get rid of her because he feels as if he is in danger. Atwood uses the line "hitting me with a racket" to show how she was treated. He does not care for her well being, he just wants to get rid of her.
Bats are seen as objects more than the wonderful and interesting creatures they are. We as humans should try and inform others more on how bats are not as dangerous as they seem.

The theme that can be inferred from the story is that bats are viewed as less superior beings of life.

Theme simply means the central idea or the main idea that's in a message. The theme simply means the message that the author wants to pass to the readers.

In the story, the theme is that bats are viewed as less superior beings of life. The author stated that humans treat bats badly because they believe that they are bad animals and a sign of evil.

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