Read these lines from Canto XXII:

A. Demon armies marching with Dante

B. Demons torturing sinners

C. Frogs covering the ground

D. Rivers of Hell converging

So here on all sides these sinners squatted,

But the instant Barbariccia stepped forward,

They dived back underneath the boiling pitch.

I saw, and still my heart shudders with it,

One lag behind — just as sometimes one frog

Will stay back while another leaps below —

And Graffiacane, the closest to him,

Hooked him up by his pitch-knotted hair

And hauled him out — he looked just like an otter!

What is Dante describing here?

Respuesta :

Demons touring sinners . Apex

Answer: B. Demons torturing sinners.

Canto XXII of Inferno places Dante in the Eight Circle of Hell. He encounters demons such as Grafficane, Barbariccia, Rubicante and Cagnazzo. He describes the demons as torturing the sinners in a boiling pitch. In this excerpt, Dante compares the sinners being tortured by the demons to frogs and otters, because of how hey move in the water.