1. Both Korea and Vietnam achieved political independence while participating fully in the tribute system as vassal states. Japan was never conquered by the Chinese, but did participate for some of its history in the tribute system as a vassal state.
2. The cultural elite of Korea, Vietnam, and Japan borrowed from: Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, administrative techniques, the examination system, artistic and literary styles even as their own cultures remained distinct.
3. Both Korea and Vietnam experienced some colonization by ethnic Chinese settlers.
4. Unlike Korea or Japan, the cultural heartland of Vietnam was fully incorporated into the Chinese state of over a thousand years. This political dominance led to the cultural changes in Vietnam, such as the adoption of Chinese-style irrigated agriculture, the education of the Vietnamese elite in Confucian-based schools and their inclusion in the local bureaucracy, Chinese replacing the local language in official business, and the adoption of Chinese clothing and hairstyles.