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The cycle of abuse in an intimate relationship that is characterized by escalating tension, a violent episode, and a period of lowered tension and nonviolence is known as battered woman syndrome, it can manifest with bodily symptoms or psychological disorders. The most frequent are: Low self-esteem, have mixed feelings; Although they hate being attacked, they also think that they deserve it because they consider themselves the cause of the problem, they live in guilt, they consider themselves to be unsuccessful, they suffer from fear and even panic at any kind of change, they have no control over their life, they want there to be a magic solution for your problems, anguish, moodiness, depression, feelings of helplessness, suicide attempts and insomnia, drug abuse and eating disorders, it is a common law legal defense, comparable to previous defense, in which a person who is a victim of physical or psychological abuse and is accused of an attack or murder can plead to suffer from this syndrome at the time of committing the crime, which explains his behavior and serves as an attenuator of his behavior.
Battered woman syndrome. It is also called battered wife syndrome. It is considered a subcategory of PTSD Post Traumatic Stress-disorder.