Divide the figure using vertical lines into 3 sub-areas. You have already done this on the left side of the figure. The base of this trapezoid is (30-10 -12) ft, or 8 ft. The trapezoid has 2 heights shown: one is 11 ft and the other is 15 ft.
The area of this trap. is [ (11 ft + 15 ft)/2 ] * [8 ft] ], or 13*8 ft^2, or 104 ft^2.
Next is the rectangle in the middle. Its height is 15 ft and its width is 12 ft. Its area is (15 ft)(12 ft) = 180 ft^2.
Last is the trapezoid on the right. Its base is 10 ft and the average of its heights is [(15+7.5) ft] / 2, or 11.25 ft. Thus, the area of this trap. is
(11.25 ft)(10 ft) = 112.5 ft^2.
Add these 3 sub-areas together to get the total area.
Good luck!!