Respuesta :

Dear _,

It's been I while since I've seen you, I really miss you. All is well in _. I'm doing great in school, Rocky keeps getting bigger and bigger! I saw some pretty cool movies recently, _, _ and _. I know you're not into that genre, but you should seriously check them out!

Today I woke up, had weird dreams, trust me, you don't want to know, and had raviolis for breakfast. I drew Aquaman, he looks so awesome!! I'll send you a photocopy. Dad and I hung up the Christmas Lights, we're lucky it didn't rain. I had lunch, soup, and read the Godfather, again. I know, I know, but I love that book!

It just started to rain, I can hear it on the roof.

We watched Avatar again, it just keeps getting better. scoun. Ha!

I really do miss you, I hope you know that. But I'll see you soon!

Sincerely, _