Respuesta :
Correct answer: D. People were more willing to turn to radical forms of government.
The Depression became a global phenomenon because of trade connections and the United States pulling back from financial involvements elsewhere in the world. American banks stopped investing, and demanded repayment of loans.
Germany was the most dangerous example of what went wrong. After the Great War (World War I), Germany was required to pay heavy reparations payments to Britain and France. Meanwhile, Britain and France owed repayment of funds to the United States for borrowing they had done during the war. So the United States had been supporting Germany in the 1920s with loans. When the USA could no longer afford to extend loan monies to Germany after the stock market crash of 1929, that sent Germany's economy spiraling even deeper into the Depression than was felt in the United States.
The bad situation in Germany made it possible for a radical leader like Hitler, making all sorts of bold promises, to win over enough people to rise to power. Hitler promised a return to national greatness and fiercely rebuilt Germany as a military machine. The rise of Hitler and the Nazis brought about World War II in Europe.
One of the impacts of the Great Depression on Germany was people were willing to turn to radical forms of government. The impact of the Great Depression was very severe in Germany, which had enjoyed five years of artificial wealth, supported by American loans and goodwill.
There are some key facts about the Great Depression in Germany. You can see them on the description below:
• In Germany, depression struck differently but was no less powerful. The new Weimar Republic had passed a period of strong inflation in the 1920s because of reparations required by the Versailles Treaty. Instead of burdening German citizens to pay reparations, Germany borrowed millions of dollars from the United States and owed more. American demands for loan repayments have had a devastating effect on Germany's already fragile economy, with banks failing and unemployment increasing. As in the United States, the Weimar Republic chose to cut spending rather than multiply it to spur the economy, which further worsened the situation.
• The Great Depression also took part in the appearance of Adolf Hitler as a feasible political leader in Germany. The failing economic conditions in Germany in the 1930s created an angry, fearful, and financially struggling population open to more extreme political structures, such as fascism and communism.
• Hitler had a spectator for his antisemitic and anticommunist rhetoric which illustrated Jews as the cause of the Depression. Uncertainty and fear about the future of Germany also made many Germans look for the kind of stability that Hitler offered.
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:
• Explain the relationship between the Great Depression in the US and the Great Depression in Germany?
• Germany response to the great depression:
Keywords :
Great Depression, Germany
Subject : History
Class : College
Sub-Chapter : Great Depression