Respuesta :

hi !

I'm going to try to help you being French, but some questions seems strange to me. I'll do my best.(plus it's hard to read sometimes....)

1- ? Lagarde fait ses courses. (can't see what before Lagarde)
2- Nous faisons nos devoirs pour l'examen de demain.
3- Vous faites la cuisine 
4- Après le dîner, tu fais la vaisselle (after dinner you wash the dishes).
5- Les filles font des promenades ???(girls walk around)  don't know...
6- En classe, je fais attention à (ce que dit) la prof (I pay attention to (what) the teacher (says)...)

- Pauline a soif. (is she drinking ?....I can't see very well..means is thirsty)
1- Nous avons fait un bonhomme de neige (p.composé de "faire"  we made a snowman) or because it' snowing "Nous avons froid" (we're cold ) ???
2- Ils ont chaud.(they are hot)
3- Jean-François a faim.(J. F. is hungry)
4- Vous avez peur. (you're afraid)
5- Gabriel a faux. (Gabriel is wrong)
6- J'ai juste. (I'm right)
7- Zoé a sommeil (Zoé is sleepy)

I can't see very well that picture and I see only one person. I dont' understand whether you have to use "être" only or if you may use "avoir"...

C'est le matin(It's the morning). Le soleil se lève.(Sun comes up)) Pierre est réveillé (1 adjectif) (is awake). Il est en train de penser qu'il a soif (he is thinking he's thirsty)//OR// "Il est assoiffé" (adj)(he is very thirsty but we usually say il a très soif.Just to try to use "être"). Il a l'air encore fatigué (adj.) (he still looks tired). Sa chambre est  en désordre (expression "en désordre not adj. (His room is messy). 

I don't know what else to say. The orange colour of the document makes things difficult to see.

I did my best to help.....but your doc isn't easy to read and for "FAIRE" , I really wonder what are 4 and 5. I think I found for 4 (made the correction) but  5 ???? I hope you'll tell me later....

Still hoping I helped somehow !!!