
Imagine you are interviewing a famous person.  What questions would you ask?  What answers do you think they would give?
Write four questions in English or French.   Then, in French, write the answers you think your famous person would give.
Be sure to use complete sentences. Please specify who the famous person is that you have chosen to interview. 

Respuesta :

Hi !

I chose Mick Jagger......

Quand votre groupe "Les Rolling Stones" a-t-il été formé ?
Oh, cela fait longtemps maintenant ! Notre groupe a débuté en 1962.
(when was your bad the R.S founded ?
Oh, that' been a long time now ! Our band strated in 1962)

Pourquoi avoir choisi ce nom ?
C'est Brian Jones, notre premier guitariste, qui avait choisi ce nom en référence à la chanson "Rollin' Stone" du groupe Muddy Waters.
(Why did you choose that name ?
That was Brian Jones, our first guitar player, who had chosen this name referring to the song "Rollin' stone' by the band Muddy Waters

Quel a été votre premier grand succès ?
Sans aucun doute notre premier succès a été "I Can't Get No) Satisfaction", bien sûr......
(What was your first hit ?
No doubt our first hit was "I........" of course ....

Pensez-vous vous arrêter un de ces  jour ?
Arrêter ? Mais pourquoi ! Nous sommes toujours en forme, vous savez !! Des survivants du rock ! Venez donc à l'un de nos prochains  concerts, vous verrez bien  par vous-mêmes !!!
(Are you thinking to stop one of these days ?
To stop ? But why! We're still fit (in good shape), you know !! Survivals of Rock!  Come to one of our next show, you'll see it by yourself !!!)

sorry for the approximative English translation......!!!!

hope it helps and pleases you......


The interview I did is aimed at a film director and his last film. The questions and answers in English are:

1. Q. What was the experience of working with the main actor like?

 A. La experiencia fue muy buena. Él es un actor muy talentoso, que hace muy fácil mi trabajo como director, ya que es muy comprometido y fiel al libreto y al personaje que tiene que interpretar.

2. Q. What was the most difficult part filming this movie?

   A. The hardest part was shooting the action scenes, specially the car chase scenes, since it requires a lot of precision and planning. But fortunately we had a great team and were able to pull it off.

3. Q. Which topic are you trying to transmit in this movie?

A. Los temas principales de la película son las relaciones personales, la familia y la lealtad dentro de la mafia. La idea es hacer estos personajes relacionales con el público.

4. Q. What will be your next project?

   A. Ahora estoy trabajando en el libreto de mi próxima película que será una película histórica durante la segunda guerra mundial.]]]


Universidad de Mexico