There are many examples in the book that language is powerful. An example of a powerful language is " A dark mist lay over the Black Hills ", I find this significant and powerful quote because of its descriptive images of the earth. This is an important example because the Kiowa people appreciate the land a lot.
Another powerful language example is “Your imagination comes to life, and this, you think, is where Creation was begun." This quotation is powerful because it says that you should let your imagination come from time to time, and that you should pay attention to what surrounds you so that you might learn something from them. This quote is significant because it pushes the theme of history to learn from your experiences.
Another powerful language example is "They were called Kwuda, coming out." This piece shows the power based on how they were always ready for everything that was in store for them. It is significant because they are developing into a great tribe, and are growing steadily.
All three examples are powerful examples of language and show the importance of words used by a person.