Read the paragraph from a personal narrative.
1 It may have seemed like an ordinary day to everyone else, but to me, it couldn't have been further from it. 2 Today was my first day working as a waitress at Pete's Pizza Haven, and I could not have been more excited. 3 In fact, I was so excited that I rushed to get ready much faster than I typically do. 4 "I'm ready to go!" I shouted, bouncing down the stairs and flying into the kitchen, where my mom was making breakfast. 5 "I have so much to learn and don't want to be late," I declared for emphasis. 6 My mom just grinned and placed a steaming plate of eggs before me.
Which best revises sentence 3 to make it more precise?
A. I had so many grand plans in my head for the money I would soon be making, and I hurried to get ready as quickly as I could.
B. With visions of trendy clothes and piles of spending money dancing pirouettes in my brain, I took a shower and got dressed in record time.
C. As I rushed to shower and be ready on time, I thought about all the different things I could do with the money I would soon be making.
D. Because I was so nervous, I could not stop thinking about my new job even as I rushed to shower and get ready faster than I ever had.