Respuesta :
Well I think Romeo's mentality is "I'll do anything to be with you" kind of love
(like you know killing himself for Juliet) love for Juliet is so great, that he is prepared to die for her. The audience mourns the fact that the relationship had a disastrous end, as we realize it was the couple's nly true loving union.
(like you know killing himself for Juliet) love for Juliet is so great, that he is prepared to die for her. The audience mourns the fact that the relationship had a disastrous end, as we realize it was the couple's nly true loving union.
In the play, there are two forms of how Romeu demonstrates, as is the ideal love for him. At first, he is in love with a girl named Rosalinda. At that moment, for Romeo, Rosalina is like a canvas where he will project his loving yearnings, she is an ideal love, he loves her simply because he loves her, it is not because it is a necessity, his love for her is not deep, it is not sincere, he is only a victim of the God of love (the love idel of Romeo for Rosalinda, would be equivalent to what we call crush, nowadays).
The concept of Romeo's ideal love, totally changes with Juliet, at that moment love is intense, it is necessary and it needs sacrifices. The passion that takes him to another dimension of reality, although he acknowledges that formally they are enemies because of the disagreements between their families, yet he does not resist the love that unites them, and much more than that, it transforms him. Even love becomes transformed, for from the moment he accepts to face the consequences of this forbidden love, love can be seen as a religion, as something essential, overlapping everything, family, social values, contradicting, even, the great chain of beings.
On the other hand, Tybalt has a vision of love somewhat angry, vengeful, ambitious and possessive.
It is complicated to describe the ideal love for Mercutio, but I believe that just as Romeu. he saw love, as something pure and full, that does not need explanation to happen, it just happens.