Read the following question from Erasmus' The Praise of Folly. Use the excerpt to answer the following question:
And as to the court lords, what should I mention them? than most of whom though there be nothing more indebted, more servile, more witless, more contemptible, yet they would seem as they were the most excellent of all others. And yet in this only thing no men more modest, in that they are contented to wear about them gold, jewels, purple, and those other marks of virtue and wisdom; but for the study of the things themselves, they remit it to others, thinking it happiness enough for them that they can call the king master, have learned the cringe à la mode, know when and where to use those titles of Your Grace, My Lord, Your Magnificence; in a word that they are past all shame and can flatter pleasantly. ...Nor are princes by themselves in their manner of life, since popes, cardinals, and bishops have so diligently followed their steps that they've almost got the start of them.-Public Domain
Which of the following can be concluded from the passage? (5 points)
Erasmus thought that the royalty was honorable but the clergy was corrupt.
Erasmus thought that royalty and clergy were both corrupt.
Erasmus though that the clergy was more corrupt than royalty.
Erasmus thought that royalty was more corrupt than the clergy.