
Who is the first person to see Telemachus in town, and what is this person's reaction?
A. Melanthius, the swineherd, who runs to tell the suitors he is home
B. Penelope, his mother, who is so excited to see him that she falls faint in the street
C. Eurycleia, his nanny, who cries with tears of joy upon seeing him
D. Antinous, the suitor, who laments the fact that they were unable to kill him as his ship approached Ithaca

Respuesta :

The Answer isĀ C His Nanny, who cries tears of joy. I plugged this answer in and got it right. pls rate me brainiest!!!


C. Eurycleia, his nanny, who cries with tears of joy upon seeing him.


Eurycleia is the servant and wet-nurse of Odysseus and Telemachus. She is a mother figure to both of them, and therefore, has an important role in The Odyssey. Eurycleia is also important because she is well-informed about everything that occurs in the palace. She keeps Telemachus' secret after he leaves, and is the first person to see him in town. She is also one of the people who first recognize Odysseus upon his return.