X-rays taken in the trauma room show a fracture dislocation of the thoracic spine between the 11th thoracic vertebra (T11) and the 12th thoracic vertebra (T12). An MRI confirms the clinical impression that Joe’s spinal cord is completely disrupted at this level. What does the organization of white and gray matter in the spinal cord look like at the area where Joe’s injury is located?

Respuesta :

In this case, considering the spinal cord is completely disrupted, the organization of the white and gray matter would be a mess. The central gray matter portion would have leaks of CSF which contains nutrition and other functions for neurons -- making the surrounding area prone to degradation, lack of conduction and added injury. Under the microscope, the white matter portions will reveal severed neural fibers. It is likely that any functions linked to the fibers below T12 are absent. Other than that, severed white matter fiber would be all over the place. 

Further explanation

The spinal cord is a cylindrical collection of nerves that starts from the lower brain and then extends along the spinal canal. The spinal cord is divided into several segments, each segment having a pair of nerve roots on the right and left. The roots of the front nerve (ventral) or efferent nerve act as motor, while the roots of the back nerve (dorsal) or afferent nerve act as sensory.

The spinal cord (Spinal Medulla) is a thin nerve which is an extension of the central nervous system of the brain and arches and is protected by the spine. The main function of the spinal cord is the transmission of inclusion of stimuli between the periphery and the brain. Another function of the spinal cord is to control reflex movements, including reflex movements in the eyes, nose, and others.

The location of the spinal cord, extending inside the spinal cavity, starting from the vertebrae to the second lumbar vertebra.

The spinal cord is wrapped in the meninges membrane. If observed transversely, the outer spinal cord looks white (alba substance) and the inside is shaped like a butterfly, gray (grissea substance).

In the white part that contains a lot of axons (neurits) covered in myelin. This section is to deliver impulses to the brain and from the brain to the effector.

The gray part contains nerve fibers that have no myelin. This section is divided into two namely dorsal root or posterior root and ventral root or anterior root. Dorsal roots contain sensory neurons and ventral roots contain motor neurons.

Learn  More

The spinal cord : https://brainly.com/question/7300531


Class: high school

Subject: biology

Keywords : The spinal cord