
Fill in the blanks
1the son of my brother is my____
2my brothers mother is my________
3your grandfathers son is your _______
4your fathers new wife is your _____
5her aunts children are her_______
PLIZZ (thank you)

Respuesta :

1. The son of my brother is my nephew.____
2. My brothers mother is my mom.________
3. Your grandfathers son is your dad._______
4.Your fathers new wife is your step mom._____
5. Her aunts children are her cousins._______

1. nephew

Your siblings children are nephews (boys) or nieces (girls).

2. mother

If your brother is your full-blood brother, you would both have the same mother. If you had different fathers, you'd still have the same mother, but he would be your half-brother since you are only related by half your blood.

3. father OR your uncle

This is tricky because you have two grandfathers - one on your mother's side and one on your father's side. If it's your grandfather on your father's side, his son is your father. If it's the grandfather on your mother's side, his son is your uncle.

4. Step-Mom

The word goes before any immediate family member that has joined the immediate family due to a parent's marriage. This includes step-sister, step-brother, step-father.

5. cousins

Cousins are the children of your parents' siblings. You share the grandparents from that side of the family. For example, your cousins on your mother's side of the family call your mom's parents grandparents, just like you would.