Respuesta :
I can't answer that because I didn't watched the video or read the text. But if I were you I would re-read and re-watch it. At least until I got ideas and for future advice take notes as you watch and read things the notes will also help you one up with ideas.
The difference between the film and the book is the setting and atmosphere the director presents in the film. The setting is made as simple and realistic as possible to make, the atmosphere suspenseful. The director used foreshadowing by filming Tess Hutchinson's nervous, smiling face. The movie’s more defined because we see the serious and nerves faces of the town’s folk.
The film and the short story are very similar. Both are very bone chillingly suspenseful, and both moods are dark and morbid. The scene were the children were gathering rocks was foreshadowing the heart-stopping scene that has yet to occur. Both film and story stayed true to this moment. The film did an astonishing job of creating the feel of tradition for this morbid act.