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It is true that the Chinese knew the ways to produce silk during 2700 BC. They kept it secret for a long time because it was a tough process and they could earn profits selling the silk threads to the other regions of the world. Firstly the silk produced was used to make dresses for the people of the royal family in China. Silk is itself a very expensive material as it takes time and labor to produce the fine silk thread.


True, The Chinese knew how to produce silk by about 2700 BC.


The legend of the discovery of silk says that the wife of the yellow emperor Leizu thought about using silk while she was drinking tea. The legend says that she was having tea and a cocoon of that moth fell into his tea, then she discovered that the cocoon was made of strong and thin thread. So, she wondered what would happen if she combined many of these threads. She experimented and she created "silk". The legend also says that she developed the silk cloth.

But, there is evidence of early china that suggests that it was used back in the 4000 BC. Excavations found a cocoon cut in half by a sharp knife and samples of fabric from later on. The place where they found this evidence is Xia county, where the Yangshao culture developed.