Respuesta :
Complete unconditional surrender of Germany.
There were no terms. Germany, Italy and Japan all surrendered
Michael Montagne
The below, while valid, has nothing to do with the end of World War 2
The treaty discussed below _is_ generally held to be relevant.
Traditionally, a duly declared war ends in two stages: firstly, the
ceasefire, which has conditions attached; secondly, there is a peace
treaty. The peace treaty comes later and is intended to provide a
settlement. In the case of Germany at the end of World War 2 the terms
for the ceasefire were unconditional surrender. However, the Cold War
made a conventional peace treaty settling Germany's new frontiers and so
on impossible till after 1989.
Treaty 1990
In September 1990, three weeks before German reunification, a treaty was
signed between (1) Poland (for some sections only), Britain, France,
the USSR and the USA and (2) the two German states, on the understanding
that most of it would only come into effect if later ratified by the
parliament of a united Germany. The key elements were:
1. Recognition of the Oder-Neisse Line as definitive.
2. Germany undertook not to seek any change to its borders (other than
unification) and that German borders were not to be put on any
international agenda.
3. The overall manpower of the German Armed Forces not to exceed a total
of 370,000.
This is widely regarded as the nearest thing to a peace treaty between
the Allies and Germany. (A conventional treaty was impractical in view
of the changes in status of many countries since 1945. For example, most
British and French colonies had become independent in the meantime).
The reason for the very long delay between the end of WW2 and this
"peace treaty" was the division of Germany into two states in 1949 and
the continuation of this division by the Cold War. Japan, which wasn't
divided, got a peace treaty with the U.S. in 1951.
It's useful to distinguish between the end of fighting and the later
settlement usually in the form of a peace treaty