Eugene takes 5/6 minute to
run 1 lap around the track.
=> meaning 5/6 minute = 50 seconds
because in 1 minute there are 60 seconds, so they parted this into 6
parts, 10 minutes each
=> 60 / 6 = 6 or 6/6
If he runs around the track at the same phase for ¼ hour. Find the number
of laps did Eugene run:
=> ¼ hour = 15 minutes, because in 1 hour they parted it into 4 parts.
=> So, how mnay 50 seconds are there in 15 minutes?
=> 15 minutes x 60 seconds = 900 seconds
=> 900 seconds / 50 seconds = 18
So, Eugene were able to complete 18 laps.