Ava, Grace, Jayden, and Zoe together stacked a total of 50 brownies on a tray. Ava stacked 0.14 of the brownies, Grace stacked 4 of the 50 brownies, Jayden stacked 24% of the brownies, and Zoe stacked the remaining brownies. Who stacked the most brownies?

Respuesta :

We know Grace stacked 4 brownies.

24% = .24, and .24*50 = 12, so Jayden stacked 12 brownies.

.14*50 = 7, so Ava stacked 7 brownies.

50-12-7-4=27, so Zoe stacked 27 brownies.
Ava stacked
=7 brownies

Jayden stacked

Zeo stacked


Thus,Zoe stacked the most