Respuesta :
First, determine what 2/3 of 24000 gallons is. That's 18000 gallons.
Next, divide this 18000 gallon amount by 650 gallons/da:
18000 gal
----------------- = 27.69 days, or about 28 days.
650 gal/day
Next, divide this 18000 gallon amount by 650 gallons/da:
18000 gal
----------------- = 27.69 days, or about 28 days.
650 gal/day
24000 Gallons / 650(gallons per day) =36.92 days to fill it fully. Now take 36.92 and multiply by (2/3)=24.61 days. (.61 days = 14 Hours and 36 minutes)