Witch of the following statements are true about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Dred Scott
1: the south felt it was a stab in the back

2: slaves had no right to sue for freedom

3: slaves did not possess citizens rights

4: the north felt vindicated for its views on slavery

Respuesta :

Slaves had no right to sue for freedom and slaves did not posses citizens rights.

The correct answers are 2) slaves had no right to sue for freedom and 3) slaves did not possess citizens' rights.

The statements that are true about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Dred Scott are the following: slaves had no right to sue for freedom and slaves did not possess citizens' rights.

The United States Supreme Court decision in the case Dred Scott v. Sanford of 1857 stated that slaves were property and could not be treated as citizens of the United States- That is why they could not petition the court for civil rights. The court added that any law that would deprive the owner of a slave of its property, was unconstitutional.