Define a function setheight, with int parameters feetval and inchesval, that returns a struct of type heightftin. the function should assign heightftin's data member feet with feetval and inches with inchesval.

Respuesta :

It is given that the feetVal and inchesVal are parameters of the SetHeight() function. Since the return type of the function is structute, so we need to define a structure.

After that, we need to create a structure variable within the function definition. Now, assign the feet and inches with the feetVal and inchesVal respectively. Finally return the structure variable.

Further explanation:


//define the structure

typedef struct HeightFtIn_struct {

int feet;

int inches;

} HeightFtIn;

//define the function

HeightFtIn SetHeight(int feetVal, int inchesVal)


HeightFtIn Htft; //creating a structure variable of type HeightFtIn

//assign the value of feetVal

Htft.feet = feetVal;  

Htft.inches = inchesVal; //assigning the value of inchesval

//return the structure variable

return Htft;


int main(void) {

HeightFtIn studentHeight;

int feet;

 int inches;

printf("Enter the values of feet and the inches: ");

scanf("%d %d", &feet, &inches);

studentHeight = SetHeight(feet, inches);

printf("The student's height is %d feet and %d inches.\n", studentHeight.feet, studentHeight.inches);

return 0;



Enter the values of feet and the inches: 5 9

The student's height is 5 feet and 9 inches.

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Answer details:

Grade: College Engineering

Subject: Computer Science

Chapter: C  Programming


C++, input, output, programming, statements,  loops, if, else, statements, firstname, lastname, base class, derive class, vector, print