what ways did the leadership of John Paul Jones contribute to the American Revolution? Be sure to identify both his contributions and the effect on the Revolution as a whole.

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By commanding the United States naval ship in the American revolution.


John Paul Jones is also known as "the father of the American Navy" and the revolutionary war hero. John Paul born in Scotland and he came to America as a merchant sailor when the American revolution has started.

Soon he joined the "continental Navy" and he sinks down the British naval ship Sera-pis in battle.

Later, when the Continental Navy is disbanded due to lack of funds. John Paul went to Paris and died in 1792.

John's contribution to the American Revolution is the biggest bench-mark of emerging the United States navy as the new naval power.

After the sinking of the British naval ship Sera-pis which is well equipped and modernized ship of its time the British surrendered, Which made him an international hero.