Identify the relationships between the zooxanthellae and the hard coral, the remora and the manta ray, the tiger shark and the green sea turtle, and the dolphin and the school of trevallies and state why you chose that relationship. The relationships will be predation, competition, commensalism, or mutualism.

Respuesta :

Zooxanthellae and the hard coral-Zooxanthellae are the symbiotic algae that live within the hard or stony corals. The symbiotic relation is based on the coral's inability to generate sufficient amounts of food and the algae’s ability for photosynthesis and converting chemical elements into energy. - mutualism 

The remora and the manta ray-The benefits to the remoras and remora for living in such close association with their larger hosts are clear, but there is a debate about whether the manta rays receive a significant return in benefits from these relationships. - mutualism 

The tiger shark and the green sea turtle - the turtle is eaten by the shark-predation 

The dolphin and the school of trevallies-To feed, dolphins use a fast, surprise attack, and, unlike the hunting packs of trevallies, dolphins can successfully hunt alone. - predation

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